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 ©2018 青岛红星化工集团天然色素有限公司  
鲁ICP备12015023号  网站建设:中企动力 青岛



Qingdao Redstar Chemical Group Natural Pigment Co.,Ltd ensures to consistently produce halal products(Paprika Oleoresin and Capsicum Oleoresin) in meeting consumers’ needs including those of the Moslem consumers, we will achieve this by:


Ensuring all the raw materials introduced in the production are approved halal by LPPOM MUI.

1.保证在生产中使用的原辅料都被LP POM MUI 认为是清真的。

Ensuring all the production systems are clean enough and free from non-halal.

2. 保证所有的生产系统是清洁的并且没有非清真的和不洁的组分

Ensuring all the finished goods manufactured for Moslem consumers are certified halal by LPPOM MUI.

3.保证所有提供给穆斯林的产品有LP POM MUI的清真证书。